Training (2020-2024)
Oncornet2.0 is set up to provide young researchers (ESRs) with dedicated training. The ESRs will be trained as a cohort in all (mandatory) network-wide ONCORNET workshops with the aim of educating and training the next generation of GPCR/drug researchers who will have a multidisciplinary and intersectoral skill set.
The workshops (W1-W5) share the same programme structure:
day 1: progress meeting – exchange of latest results, updates (together with supervisors and PIs)
day 2-3: training on scientific topics, including practical courses;
day 4-5: training on transferable skills
The schedule about the organizing entities are given below.
Workshop 1 – hosted by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Workshop 2 – hosted by CNRS in Montpellier
Workshop 3 – hosted by University of Nottingham
Workshop 4 – hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Workshop 5 – hosted by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Contact details
Please contact us at:
ONCORNET Coordinator
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam